Production spaces for outdoor filming

Production spaces for outdoor filming 1024 725 Shoot Estudios


shoot offers you its spaces as production areas for your location shoots.

Choosing the right location is the first step to make a good filming or advertising production. If it is an outdoor set you will always need a space for catering, production, make-up, Green Rooms… and from shoot we want to put at your disposal our spaces.

Our locations are perfect, spacious and able to accommodate large work teams.

We know that a shoot is not just a camera with the actors and that’s it, behind it there is an important logistical deployment, which everyone is surprised when they see it and which involves dozens of technicians and a lot of material… When filming on location, you have to take into account that you leave your “comfort zone” and go out into an asphalt jungle that is not prepared for an event of these characteristics.

And this is where shoot comes into play, offering a place with all the comforts that are so much missed in large productions, providing spaces where the team can find everything they need to create a pleasant atmosphere and feel at home.

We want the team to feel at home. You can contact us and write us what you want and how you want it to and we will help you with everything.

Feel shoot.

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