Studio rental for shootings in Barcelona

027 by shoot.

A special space for shootings, photo sessions, and meetings.

Our Old Workshop, completely renovated… It seemed hard to believe, but we did it. We’ve created a Nordic, cozy atmosphere with natural wood tones while preserving some of the features of the Old Workshop.

High ceilings, now painted white, bring a lot of brightness to the space. A spacious open-plan living-dining room with multiple options and styles for upcoming projects. A white kitchen combined with wood and a mobile central island with white stools complete the set, as functional as it is relaxed.

More than just studio rental for shootings in Barcelona

027 by shoot. has a small patio and is located in the heart of Barcelona at street level, making material unloading and reception quick and easy. The space always has various prop elements, allowing you to conduct your session without having to rent additional materials.

It is the perfect fusion of the modernity of our Abandoned Workshop and the natural warmth of the Nü Apartment. This unique combination of elements creates a kitchen that captivates with its contemporary elegance. The central island in white and wooden top brings an air of cleanliness and spaciousness, while touches of natural wood add warmth and authenticity to the environment.

The outdoor patio and the opening of a new access door have allowed us to create a small oasis in Plaza Tetuan.



Plaça de Tetuán 27, Bajos 1ª
08010, Barcelona (view on Google Maps)

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