A great multifunctional space in the city.


Meeting room rental Barcelona that has more than 50m2 very versatile in the center of Barcelona, equipped for meetings with sound system, projector, plasma monitor and WiFi, in addition to the Apple TV system for wireless projection.

This room was created to have a nice place to take a sit, relax and let the ideas come and flow, like when you are home.This location is also perfect for filming and photo shootings, it is located one street away from the luxurious Passeig de Gràcia, the best connected area in the city, with trains, metro and bus stations within 1 minute walk.


A multifunctional space where you can take advantage of all the corners to do all kinds of projects, be it corporate meetings, photo sessions or shootings of any kind.

It has a fully equipped kitchen and original furniture, which will help you convey a modern and quiet image. The space is totally modifiable, since it can be painted (siempre que vuela a su estado original)

In this location there is a lot of natural light and the views of the inner courtyard are an oasis in the center of the city, where there is barely and noise and where it is easy to find the perfect frame to film or shoot…

Come and discover this little paradise of tranquility in the center of Barcelona.



Pau Claris 115, Principal 2ª
08090, Barcelona (view in Google Maps)

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