The importance of having a photo studio with multiple options

The importance of having a photo studio with multiple options 1024 683 Shoot Estudios

Low-cost renovated photo studio in Barcelona

In shoot we have a low-cost photo studio that has a surface area of 40 m2 and a maximum height of 3.5 m, offering comfort when loading and unloading productions.

The possibilities of this set are endless, as it has a wide variety of backgrounds, ideal for product photography, and a new wall with textures, providing a unique character to your next session.


One of the points to take into account on the shoot photo studio is the wide variety of colored backgrounds available; This advantage allows you to easily change the color of the background of the space without hiring painters, you will have a fully customizable background in one place!

And what is the latest news? A brick wall, in the purest style of classic Eixample. Therefore, it is no longer just any set, but a unique space with its own personality that is ready to welcome you.

As if that were not enough, you can also enjoy natural light, since two large windows that face Pau Claris street supply this set with light.


Did you know that the Nü Plató has equipment and amenities at no extra cost? Book now and let your imagination fly on a set with the following characteristics:

  • Fund holders for study backgrounds
  • Black and white studio backgrounds
  • Basic lighting kit included
  • Makeup area
  • Wardrobe area
  • Refrigerator for refreshments and snacks
  • Wifi
  • Air conditioning
  • Heating
  • Very good communication with public transport
  • Wireless speaker
  • Located in the center of Barcelona

In addition to the set and the material, this space has a dressing room with all the necessary equipment so that the costume and makeup team can work fluidly. And, not only that! You will also find an area with sofas next to the set that can serve as a viewing space or as a waiting room. All this allows the Nü Plató to host projects and teams of all kinds.

We leave its best feature for last: its location! It is located in the heart of Barcelona, ​​just 100 meters from the Passeig de Gràcia metro station (L3) and in the heart of L’Eixample.

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