Photoshoot with natural light in shoot.

Photoshoot with natural light in shoot. 898 1024 Shoot Estudios


Currently natural photography is very fashionable in the sector. One of the key factors to carry out this type of session is, obviously, natural light and, therefore, the space or location where the “shooting” is going to be done. From shoot. we want to show the potential of our spaces for this trend that captivates us so much.

Currently, our Nü Apartment and The Apartment are the places that receive the most natural light due to their excellent location and the galleries that open onto an interior patio. Still, there are a few tricks you should know about these spaces:

  • If you want to do a photoshoot in The Room and make the most of its light, rent the space in the morning, from 9am to 1pm.
  • On the other hand, if your intention is to enjoy one of our bright galleries to its full potential, rent Nü Apartment or La Gallery from 2pm.

The other two key factors that determine the success of a natural photoshoot are: the professionalism of the person who captures the moment and the charisma and work of the person who poses for the camera.

The photographer Pao Roa (@pao.rooa) followed our advice to the letter, she rented Nü Apartment at noon and this was the result of the photo session with the influencer Lara Tolksdorf (@laratolksdorf): A clear example that meets the three crucial factors of this photographic style.

Still, the weather is something that we still cannot control and the sun is not always at our disposal when we need it; for this reason, it is also important to highlight the breadth of our locations, ideal for those cloudy days when you need space to install an artificial lighting set. 😉

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