Royale by shoot is finally here!

Royale by shoot is finally here! 1024 683 Shoot Estudios

Royale by shoot is finally here!

Shoot kicks off 2023 in a big way with a new space that will get people talking.

Royale by shoot is our new 600m2 studio in the centre of Barcelona overlooking the Paseo de Gracia.

It is bright, open and full of transparent spaces that inspire creativity. Its relaxed tones, original architectural details and a careful selection of meaningful furniture are the keys.

Divided into 2 areas: Blanc and Eclectic.

BLANC ROYALE: It has a fully equipped kitchen with a 3m movable island, a large living-dining room with wooden floors and a terrace.

ECLECTIC ROYALE: The floors and door mouldings have been respected. In this way, we pay homage to the architectural past and, at the same time, achieve a space with character.

The choice of furniture was not random, the whole interior design is part of a whole that exudes personality.

Our aim with Royale by shoot has been to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere with fluidity between the spaces so that all our clients feel at home.

Shoot Royale is not just a film set, it is a versatile space where you can have rooms for product presentations, meetings or corporate parties.

Spaces designed to boost productivity in a stimulating environment and with specialised equipment so that your event or meeting goes perfectly.

But if there’s something we don’t have, no problem, we’ll find the solution to make it happen. The whole shoot team loves a challenge.

You can contact us. You can contact us and write us what you want and how you want it to and we will help you with everything.

Feel shoot.

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