The new Nocilla spot filmed in shoot.

The new Nocilla spot filmed in shoot. 1024 904 Shoot Estudios


Nocilla, the brand that gives its name to the famous Spanish cocoa cream, chose Brooklyn to make its new advertising spot, already visible on its website, Instagram and TikTok. This spot unveils its new Nocilla model, the dark chocolate one, which we are sure will be a hit.

Next, we will explain why brands like Nocilla choose Brooklyn.

First of all, Brooklyn is built on two floors as you already know, the Loft and the Downtown. Both floors are accessible through a geometric staircase that separates them. When a company, brand or any person attends our studios they have to previously choose a space for their session, however, in Brooklyn you can book both spaces together or separately, being thus their price different depending on which part you choose or if you end up choosing both.

yo cada vez que mis compis de piso se van a la cama #NocillaNoir #Nocilla #parati #fyp

♬ sonido original - Ginee Duran

Also, although they are separated by a staircase, the aesthetics of both are completely different. Brooklyn Loft has a more modern and contemporary aesthetic and Downtown Brooklyn has a more industrial style.

All of our spaces are accessible and the furniture can be moved and changed to suit each person’s taste. In this case, we saw that Nocilla for Downtown created a completely different scenography while the Loft kept almost the same essence that characterizes it.

Nocilla’s RRSS team had a great time filming in Brooklyn, all the videos posted on their accounts reflect it. We leave you with the making of how the ad was created and the hilarious TikToks they made that day.

By the way, shoot. also has TikTok: @shootestudios. 😉

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