Víctor Pérez

Víctor Pérez records a music video at Old Workshop

Víctor Pérez records a music video at Old Workshop 1024 677 Shoot Estudios


The popular Old Workshop by shoot is once again the main character of a music video. On this occasion, we had the pleasure of receiving the Spanish influencer Víctor Pérez (@victorperez). That’s how comfortable he posed on the distinguished vintage sofa of the workshop.

The music video serves as a presentation for the Remix of the hit “Aprendí“, an original song by Eix (@eixofficial), in collaboration with Jossef (@jossefofficial) and Pérez, which carries with it a message of acceptance, self-love and maturity to continue forward after a failed relationship.


The main character of this post is not the first influencer to visit our spaces; in shoot we have received influencers of the stature of Abril Cols (@abrilcols) and Laura Escanes (@lauraescanes).

In this case, the girls chose Principal A for their photo shoots. Our Parisian apartment perfectly matched the elegance of the models. At the same time, the Old Workshop textures reflect Victor‘s strong personality. We will not tire of repeating the importance of choosing a good location for any project, since it is a factor that makes a lot of the difference between success and failure.

All clients agree on the same thing, they choose the shoot locations because, in themselves, they are incredible and they affirm that they would repeat the experience, not only because of the space but also because of the attention and professionalism of the company. Do you dare to hire our services? Víctor, Abril and Laura have already done it, and you, what are you waiting for?

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