Downtown Brooklyn as a screening room

Downtown Brooklyn as a screening room 1024 579 Shoot Estudios


Fastic is an application to control intermittent fasting. And … “What is intermittent fasting?” you will ask yourself. Intermittent fasting refers to the voluntary abstinence from food intake for a period of time, that is, the limitation of the hours in which we eat so as not to waste food and not waste so much money.

To promote this app and initiative, they created the perfect campaign in our Downtown Brooklyn. An advertisement that draws attention from minute 0 and in which we see great references to food consumption and poverty, so that the viewer is immersed in it.

They did some great special effects in the Brooklyn basement, one of them was filling the entire location with emotional videos projected on the walls. Images that told the story told by the protagonist of the ad.

Here is the link so that you can enjoy this announcement as much as we have enjoyed it and see the great creativity that can be had in a space with as much potential as this.

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